Whether you’re a new skater or thinking of transferring from another league, you betcha there is place for you here at Kent Roller Derby!
KRD have two leagues: Main League, which is our competitive team and Recreational league, where you’ll learn how to skate, play roller derby and build yours skills towards main league (if that’s your jam, pun intended).
We hold open days throughout the year, these are a great way to get started at Kent Roller Derby but you can join us anytime on Sundays at The Bay Arena in Herne Bay. Visit our New Skaters Page, DM us on our socials or email us, if you’re interested in becoming a crazy horse!
If you’re transferring from another league, email us here.
Refereeing with KRD
Referees (aka Team Zebra) are the glue that holds the game of roller derby together. Their job may not look that complicated, skating around the track making an occasional hand gesture and giving a toot on their whistles, but it is certainly no walk in the park! With over 70 pages in the WFTDA rule book (the book we live and skate by), it takes a lot of dedication to become a zebra. However, they don’t let that stop them having a good time out on track, and any referee will tell you that despite the hard work, it is a super fun and super rewarding way to spend a few hours at a weekend.
We at KRD central are always happy to take new referees on board. Our refs are happy to teach the tricks of the trade to any newbies and will help you learn the way of the stripes. Just get in touch.
Non-Skating Officials
FACT: Roller derby would not be able to exist without non-skating officials (or NSOs as they are affectionately known).
NSOs are the “behind the scenes” guys at a game. Usually dressed in black (or pink for official WFTDA games, earning them the nickname ‘flamingos’) and standing about the roller derby track with clipboards, they make sure that scores are tracked, penalties are noted and basically that the game runs as it should do.
We are always in need of additional volunteers to be NSOs, so if you’d like to help, just get in touch with us. No previous experience is necessary as we can give you all the training you need to take part.
There are many other roles within KRD:
Track Makers and repairs
Merch stall
Ticket sales
so if you’d like to help, just get in touch with us. No previous experience is necessary as we can give you all the training you need to take part.